Sunday, January 8, 2012

How Do You Afford Your Rock And Roll Lifestyle?鈥?/a>

I Think We Need Some CAKE.

Whadda Think?

BQ:How Do You Afford Your Rock And Roll Life Style?

BQ2:Favorite CAKE song?|||1. I have my ways....

2. Love You Madly or The Distance|||Well I've gone from sex, drugs and rock n roll to no drugs and as long as my girlfriend has anything to say about it I will not be getting laid until I get back to the States which leaves me with rock n roll. A good CD can be had for $8.99.|||BQ: Well, considering that my "rock and roll lifestyle" consists of being a dime-a-dozen wage slave, I don't find myself having to go to any great lengths.

BQ2: I only know "The Distance". Fun song to listen to.|||I did have a good salaried job, until I got busted for my rock n roll lifestyle and lost my ways and means to totally live like a rockstar

now, I may have to give it all up!|||Yummy, I love cake!

BQ - It's not easy these days.

BQ2 - Short Skirt/Long Jacket|||a job.

italian leather sofa

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